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40% OFF On Wings of Fire: An Autobiography 1st Edition

Published in the year 2000, Wings Of Fire: An Autobiography is a book that documents the life of A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, and inspires the readers to ignite the fire within themselves. Summary Of The Book Wings of Fire: An Autobiography is an autobiographical novel that tells the readers a story about unlocking their inner potential. Kalam does a great deal to throw light on his journey to igniting the fire within himself. This book is divided into seven parts, and begins with an Introduction and Preface. This is then followed by an Orientation, which contains a quote from the Atharva Veda. After that, the readers are also enlightened on the incidents that made Kalam what he is today. In the Orientation portion of the book, the readers are provided insights into the birth, childhood, and e...


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35% OFF On The Rise of Sivagami : Bahubali : Before The Beginning

When five-year-old Sivagami witnesses her father being branded a traitor and executed by the maharaja of Mahishmathi, she vows to one day destroy the kingdom. At seventeen, she recovers a manuscript from her crumbling ancestral mansion. Written in a strange language called Paisachi, the manuscript contains a secret that may redeem her father or condemn him further. Meanwhile, Kattappa, a proud and idealistic young slave who blindly believes in his duty, finds himself in the service of a spoilt prince. Alongside, he must try and keep his brother, who resents their social position and yearns for freedom, out of trouble. As Sivagami tries to unravel the secret of the manuscript, she finds that the empire of Mahishmathi is teeming with conspirators, palace intrigues, corrupt officials and revo...

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